
Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Bucket List

At the end of the school year I wanted to create something for my students to do over summer break.  I thought about having them write about what they would do and the places they would go.  I also thought about having them write their own bucket list.  After getting some inspiration from Pinterest, and from this blog and this blog, I decided to create a bucket list for my students.  I came up with 30 things for my students to do over summer break.  Then I also attached a letter describing the Summer Bucket List rules and explaining the prizes for completing the bucket list and returning it next school year.  For example, if a student completes 1-5 items from the bucket list, they get a sticker.  If a student completes 25-30 items, they get a book!

Here's an example of the Summer Bucket List I sent home in May!

Click here to download

Then I thought about having a Summer Bucket List for myself.  I just moved to St. Louis last summer, and I spent most of it trying to find a job and planning my September wedding.  So I didn't have a lot of time to check out the sights here.  I thought I would create a Summer Bucket List for myself (and my husband) of things to do and places to go this summer.

Here's what I have so far!

1. Go to the St. Louis Arch
2. Get a tattoo (maybe)
3. Go to a shooting Range
4. Go to the City Museum
5. Go to Six Flags
6. Go to the Zoo
7. Organize our Office at home
8. Go to garage sales

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