I have been so t-i-r-e-d!! I can't believe it's been almost a whole week since my last post! I've been SO busy working in my classroom and attending meetings. I thought I had plenty of time to finish up some last minute things today, but I was in and out of a few meetings that took me away from my classroom. I can't believe how tired I am and I haven't even had a classroom full of students! They come tomorrow!! Of course I am ready enough for tomorrow. I'll be fine. I probably even over planned, just in case. I just like being prepared. I'm keeping this post short because I'm tired and I still need to type up a few things for tomorrow. But I wanted to include a few things that I'll be using with my kids for their first day of school!
As Morning Work, my students will be decorating these cardboard picture frames that I bought at Michaels! I will also be taking a picture of each student to put in the frame, and will hopefully be hanging them on our classroom door!
The Chrysanthemum and First Day Jitters pages are from the lovely Amy Lemons from Step into Second Grade with Mrs. Lemons. These were included in her Back to School Reading Activity pack - a freebie!!!
I got this cutie from Create Teach Share, it was a freebie!! I plan on sending it home tomorrow for the students to complete and bring back Wednesday. On Wednesday, everyone will get to share aloud to the class!
I will be reading this book - super cute! It's about how all of the kids have a special talent but Jack thinks he doesn't have a talent! Then we'll talk about everyone's talent and the students will do some writing about their special talent!
Finally something that I didn't steal or borrow original! I posted this awhile ago, but I'll do it again since the school year has started! It's a Find Someone Who activity that I made for the first week. Students will have to find other students that fit each description and write their name in each box. I plan on using this later in the week, unless I run out of things to do tomorrow! Click here to download it!
OK, that's it for now!! Hopefully I'll be back in a day or two to let you know how I survived my first day of Second Grade!

I love all your back to school activities! I still have a week, but I can't wait for the kiddos to walk through the door!
Craft of Teaching
Thanks Nichole!! Good luck!!