We just finished up Visualizing in our classroom. We didn't spend too much time on it since my second graders seemed to grasp the concept pretty well. And of course they enjoy sharing the fun images they create in their minds! One of the activities I had my kiddos do was to draw their mental images after reading My Neighbor's Dog is Purple by Jack Prelutsky. If you haven't heard it, you need to find it. I actually found the idea online last year and of course it's on Pinterest. It's such a fun poem that is PERFECT for the visualizing strategy.
First, we read the poem together (minus the last two lines). Then we read back over it and underlined the words that stuck out and helped our mental images.
Then I had my students draw the mental images they had about the poem. After independent reading, we came back together to add the last two lines to the poem. My kiddos went crazy when they heard the last two lines... it completely changed their mental image!
I had my students go back to their page and create their NEW mental image after hearing the ending to the poem. Here are a few examples of my students' work: