We have had three SNOW DAYS this week! I'm sure some of you can relate with this big winter storm going through. I haven't gotten a call from the district yet tonight, so it looks like we're going back tomorrow. I have a love/hate relationship with snow days. I'm just as excited as my kiddos to get them, but now I'm just getting kind of bored. I need to get into my classroom to be any more productive at home than I've already been. It's time to go back now. I have to finish assessments. I have to finish semester report cards. I have to get caught up on some things. But man, do I dread going back. I'm sure the kids are going to be crazy!
So my plan is do some SNOW DAY activities tomorrow! Since they'll be excited to share about what they did off school anyway. I mean I haven't seen my kiddos in 19 days! It's time to go back. I made a Snow Day Graphing pack that we'll do tomorrow. I just posted it in my TpT store. And it's $1.00 off for the first 24 hours! So get your copy now before tomorrow evening when it goes back to it's original price! Click here or on the picture to see the product.
I'll try to post some pictures of my kids working on the graphs in the next few days.
I also recently finished some word work packs.