Yes, I know I have been MIA for a few weeks month, but I have a good reason. A really good reason. I went on two... yes, two... vacations! My hubby and I went to Jamaica and then on a Caribbean Cruise! Here are a few pictures to make you jealous....
Both trips were AMAZING and I plan on posting more about them later.
But for now, I need to post something useful to regain my blogger status. My last post was about Glogster. It's a great site for students to create online bulletin boards. I also mentioned that I have used Wallwisher and Popplet this year in my classroom. So I thought I'd share more about Popplet if you haven't heard about it.
Popplet is basically an online organizer, or as they say "a place for your ideas." It seems like you can really do a lot with it. I have only used it for one activity, but I am interested in trying it out for different purposes. You can sign up for free for limited access. I think you can create up to five popplets for free.
I used Popplet during our Solar System unit... which I'm planning on posting more about also. After learning about different parts of the Solar System, we created a Popplet that shows what we learned. My students told me what to write, and I typed it all on my laptop while it was reflected onto the SmartBoard.
I think it would also be great for students to use as an online graphic organizer for writing or research projects.
If you haven't heard of it, it's definitely worth taking a look at! If you use it in your classroom, I'd love to hear about how you use it!